Jane Tweedy

Jane Tweedy

Jane Tweedy

Jane Tweedy is founder and lead trainer of new business FAQ Business Training, with a mission to educate and empower small business owners to DIY or outsource with confidence through accurate, topical training. Jane is also a part-time Business Connect and BEC Australia Approved Business Advisor for Western Sydney Business Centre.

The NSW Government funded program has allowed Jane to meet over 750 small business owners for personalised meetings about an array of business topics. Jane has a passion for helping small business owners succeed with a background encompassing corporate, volunteering and small business experience.

Jane’s corporate background covered investment analytics, people leadership, training, business management, sales and client service. Volunteering includes Max Potential Community Coaching and being a Board Director of a local Bendigo Community Bank® company.

This vast experience is supported by an accumulation of theoretical knowledge with a Master of Applied Finance, Bachelor of Commerce and Administration, Certificate IV’s in Small Business Management and Training and Assessment, and Jane is a recent Graduate of Kate Toon’s Recipe for SEO Success. With Jane’s diverse background, she is capable of providing training and advice across many areas, and gains great satisfaction from helping small business owners succeed.

Developing a Website Brief With Small Businesses

Small businesses make up around 97.5% of all the registered businesses in Australia.

As such, they’re a market that shouldn’t be completely ignored. They do often need more help to get a website that works for them, and that’s where this session comes into play.

Jane developed her own website brief after finding many business owners were not given or talked through a proper brief by their website designers/developers.

They were left with sites that don’t work- they don’t attract leads, and don’t convert to sales once there.

There are also common frustrations around the handover of the site (or complete lack of), and where web developers can stay involved without taking over.

In this session, Jane wants to step you through how to develop a website brief with a small business client, how to correctly manage their expectations, deliver a website so they get a great result, and both parties walk away happy.

Lessen frustration and miscommunication and earn five star reviews! Key takeaways – Key questions to ask your client to help the website connect with their clients – Clients you should probably avoid – How to reduce frustration, miscommunication and rework – Getting great reviews – Handing over the site – Retaining the client
