Tim Butler

Tim Butler

With over 20 years experience in IT, Tim has extensive experience with systems scaling to many thousands of simultaneous users. Currently managing the technology stacks within Conetix, Australian owned and operated hosting company.

Passionate about WordPress, Tim is actively involved with the WordPress community and currently co-organises the Ipswich Meetup. Tim is also a published author, with the release of the NGINX Cookbook via Packt last year.

Diagnosing WordPress: What to do when things go wrong

Everyone hates seeing the White Screen of Death, especially if it’s discovered by the client calling to tell you their site is down. Even more frustrating can be intermittent error and/or slow response times, as these can be much harder to diagnosed.

Aimed at newer WordPress developers and advanced users, this talk will start with the basic diagnostics tools available and go all the way through to advanced debugging. Attendees should be able to leave this talk with an informed diagnostic approach to errors, rather than just panic.
