The ‘WordCamp Experience’

In 2015 I attended my first Meetup here in Sydney and it wasn’t long before I decided to muster up the courage to do my first presentation. Shortly after that I was volunteering on the WordCamp organising team. Fast forward to today and I am leading the team of organisers for WordCamp Sydney 2019.

From organising and attending meetups and WordCamps all over Australia, I have noticed that there is a wide variety of people who come through the doors of a WordCamp.

Business owners who want to learn more about their website and how to market it online, newbies who want to know how to get started, developers who want to share their latest project, copywriters who want to keep up with the ever changing world of the Block Editor, designers who want to share their experience with the latest page builder, SEOs who talk about the latest algorithm updates, social media gurus who keep up to date with the latest trends, and so on.

While all of this is fantastic in itself, what most new people don’t realise, the true value of a WordCamp comes from the connections you build with the amazing people you meet.

WordCamp is an open source conference run by a team of volunteer organisers, who many of which only attended their first meetup no that long ago. They collectively donate hundreds of hours of their time over many months to make the conference the best it can be. They donate their time to give back to the community and create an opportunity for you to enjoy the ‘WordCamp experience’ for yourself.

By design, WordCamp’s all over the world are made to be inclusive and affordable. They are heavily subsidised by sponsors to make the tickets as cheap as possible. I’m sure you have been to an industry event which can cost in the hundreds or even thousands for just one day.

In contrast, WordCamp Sydney is only $70 for two days of talks with two tracks from over 30 different speakers presenting their ideas and sharing their knowledge. (See the schedule) Included in the ticket is morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for both days plus a networking event with a bar tab and canapés.

We have put together a little video with attendees of past WordCamp’s sharing their experience. Watch below:

I hope to see you at WordCamp Sydney this weekend and if you haven’t yet bought your ticket click the link below.


Call For Speakers

Applications Open: 13th May, 2019
Applications Close: 11:59pm 22nd September, 2019
Acceptances: Beginning October
Schedule Released: Mid October

Call For Volunteers

Applications Open: 1st October, 2019
Applications Close: 1st November, 2019
Acceptances: Beginning November
Schedule Released: Before WordCamp

Ticket Sales

Ticket Sales Open: 7th August, 2019
Ticket Sales Close: When sold out

Call For Sponsors

Sponsorship applications close when all spots are taken

WordCamp Sydney 2019 Call for Sponsors

Did you know? WordCamp Sydney tickets sell for only $70, but the actual cost of an attendee is almost 3x that? It’s thanks to our Sponsors that we’re able to make WordCamp Sydney happen.

We’ve recently finalised our sponsorship prospectus, and we’re officially inviting anyone who is interested in Sponsoring WordCamp Sydney 2019 to get in contact with us – We’ve got several packages this year to match most budgets.

WordCamps are known to be one of the best value for money conferences, with packages starting at AUD $1000 and hundreds of WordPress End-Users and Developers in attendance it’s a great way to share your brand with prospective customers and future employees.

Your sponsorship is what allows us to keep our ticket prices at such low prices, it ensures that members of the WordPress community are able to attend no matter what their background or level of technical experience. As a sponsor you help keep it accessible to as many people as possible while benefiting from being there yourself.

It’s a great way to meet the WordPress community and potential partners and customers to grow your business.

See you there!

WordCamp Sydney 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!