Audience Focus at WordCamp Sydney

Target Audience

This year at WordCamp Sydney we have decided to categorise talks into target audiences and skill levels.

We hope this makes it easier for attendees to select the right talks they want to see and get the most out of them.

Target Audiences

Our chosen target audiences this year are:

  • Advertising
    Google PCC, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, TV, radio, print and everything else advertising related.

  • Business Owners
    Those who use WordPress to run their business or sell products and services.
    Ecommerce, freelancers, membership sites, managing contractors, dealing with customers, personal growth, mental health and everything in-between.

  • Content Marketing
    Those who produce valuable and consistent content with the intent of generating marketing interest to ultimately achieve the desired business goal.
    Copywriters, bloggers, vloggers, podcasters and story-tellers.

  • Non-technical
    If you don’t want to hear about code or advanced settings, these talks will appeal to you.

  • Technical
    Feed your inner geek with these talks. Expect to see code, advanced processes, lots of jargon and cutting-edge talks here.

  • SEO and SEM
    Everything about targeting search engines with content to generate more and better visitors using organic and paid methods.

  • UI and UX
    How visitors and users interact with your website and business interfaces. Expect more design-focused talks here.

Skill Levels

Talk skill levels will be set at Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

So if you are new to WordPress you may want to consider the beginner and intermediate skill level talks.

However, if you have been using WordPress for a while or, forever, then consider the intermediate and advanced talks.

Let us know if you think this helps you choose and get the most out of our talks at WordCamp Sydney.

WordCamp Sydney 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!