Call for Volunteers

It’s time again to ask for volunteers to help us manage and run WordCamp Sydney 2024.

We appreciate any time you can give to help us out.

Volunteers get a free general entry ticket to the conference as thanks for helping out.

Here are the roles we’re looking for volunteers to help with. You’ll be managed by Belinda Anderson, our Volunteer Lead organiser.

  • Room Manager and MC
  • Time Keeper
  • Room Runner
  • Door Guard
  • Photographer x 2
  • Rego / Help Desk
  • Set Up and Tear Down
  • Food / Drink Setting Up and Clean Up
  • Venue Signage

Watch Ivan’s excellent video before committing to be a volunteer. 👇

Fill out the form below if you’d like to help out as a volunteer.

Your current residency? (required)

Are you already a WCSyd ticket holder? (required)


Is this the first time you have volunteered at a WordPress event?