Case study: Scaling a WooCommerce Store from 16k to 6.5M in 3 Years

1. Laying the Foundation: Discuss the initial set-up of the WooCommerce store and the strategies employed to establish a solid foundation for growth. Also look at why chose Woo over Shopify.
2. Driving Traffic and Conversion: Share insights on the marketing and optimisation tactics used to attract and convert more visitors into customers.
3. Optimising the Customer Experience: Highlight the key user experience improvements and enhancements made to the WooCommerce store to improve customer satisfaction and retention.
4. Scaling Operations and Fulfillment: Explain the process of scaling the backend operations, logistics, and fulfilment to support the rapid growth in sales.
5. Leveraging Data and Analytics: Discuss the importance of data-driven decision-making and how it has informed the various strategies and optimizations implemented.
6. Overcoming Challenges and Lessons Learned: Provide an honest reflection on the challenges faced during the scaling process and the key lessons learned that can benefit other WooCommerce store owners.

