WP Bosses at WordCamp Sydney

wpbosses-itunes-artworkIf you haven’t heard of WP Bosses yet, we’re a community of WordPressers from Australia, here to spread WP cheer around the country.

We started a youtube channel in mid-July where we host interviews with WP Aussies and share the news with anyone who will tune-in.

We thought WordCamp Sydney would be the perfect place to meet lots of new people and do some lightning interviews. We’re not after anyone in particular, it doesn’t matter if you’re only learning about WordPress for the first time at the conference. There’s always someone who will listen.

The sessions at WordCamps are filmed and uploaded to WordPress.tv, but what about the mingling and the meeting new people, and the conversations between sessions? Some would argue that that is their favourite part.

rode-videomic-me-004For those of you unable to make it to WordCamp, whether it’s due to accessibility issues, dates not aligning, finances not in the greatest shape at the moment (don’t worry, I’ve been there), then we’d at least like to try to bring some of that hallway chat to the viewers at home. Even if you did go, you might (virtually) meet some new people you didn’t get a chance to approach at the event.

So if you do see someone approaching you holding a selfie stick with a big furball (that’s the mic) attached to their phone, it’s likely us coming to ask a few quick and friendly questions. So please don’t run away  🙂

WP Bosses

Speaker: Ricky Blacker – How WordPress Changed My Life!

RickAnnouncing Ricky Blacker to our line-up of WordCamp Sydney 2016 speakers.

Ricky is a self taught web professional who found and fell in love with WordPress, and the community behind it while looking for a CMS platform to build websites for clients.

He soon fell down a rabbit hole full of plugins, themes and passionate WordPress devotees, which forever changed his life and has taken him on an extraordinary journey, filled with late night talks with equally enamoured Wordies and fueled by craft beers.

Ricky runs Data Guru, a small web design business based on Brisbane’s Northside, which develops sites for small to medium sized businesses, as well as doing Pro Bono work for not for profit groups.

He is a Co-Organizer for the Sunshine Coast & Brisbane WordPress Meetup Groups, as well as the Brisbane Web Design Meetup group, and was one of the amazing team who put together the Sunshine Coast WordCamp earlier this year.

In his spare time (not that he has much of that), he is a temporary Australian (motorcycle rider), plays keyboards and sings in a local Brissy band and tries to stay on top of the ever changing Web Development world.

He is passionate about sharing his knowledge of WordPress with anyone who will listen, and loves helping newbies find their legs with the WordPress back end, and show them what can be achieved with this powerful platform.

Ricky’s first exposure to WordPress was at WordCamp Sydney in 2014 and since then he’s been rockin’ da WordPress groove.

He’s going to be talking about his journey from newbie to Wordie.

You can follow Ricky on Twitter.

Speaker: Tanja Turner – From Wix to WordPress: A Simple Case Study

tanja turnerGive it up for Tanja Turner joining us as a speaker at WordCamp Sydney 2016.

Tanja is a Digital Consultant and Podcaster who supports individuals and small businesses in using Technology.

Her passion is empowering women in small business by teaching and training in Podcasting, WordPress, producing digital products and building online courses.

She manages the front end of WordPress builds and works between her clients and her developers, ensuring the whole process of building a WordPress website runs smoothly for both parties.

She has won numerous awards for her work in technology and education, and held the position of chair of the Girls in IT committee, helping raise awareness in IT career paths for girls finishing high school.

She’s based in Brisbane, Australia, where she received her original qualifications of formal education and holds a Diploma of Teaching, Bachelor of Education, and Master of Education in Information Technology.

She is also a Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming which she uses to help clients overcome the fear of using new technologies.

Tanja will be presenting a case study on moving a website from WIX to WordPress and all the wonderful tips and tricks you will need to consider if you find yourself in a similar position.

You can follow Tanja on Twitter.

Speaker: Sharon France – Honey – you’re not even responsive

sharon-franceGive a warm welcome to Sharon France joining the speaker line-up at WordCamp Sydney 2016.

Sharon is a relative newcomer to all sorts of things including environmental advocacy and WordPress.

She has owned and run Looking Glass Press – a boutique publication design company since 1987, but has studiously ignored web design up until now.

Wanting to take control of the content of her company’s website and its design, she had a brief flirtation with WordPress in 2013, but wasn’t able to really commit, so the site stood untouched, unloved for three years.

Inspired by the people she met at a recent WordPress WordCamp (Sunshine Coast May 2016) and others at her local WordPress Meetup in Brisbane, she has grasped the nettle and has recently redesigned and relaunched her site.

‘Honey, you’re not even responsive’ is Sharon’s ‘good, bad and ugly story of go to whoa’. She freely admits she is still somewhat mystified by parts of the great WWW but is happy to share tips, hints and her ‘don’t do this’ list with anyone who is just starting out.

And no, you can’t follow her on Twitter because she doesn’t see the point (yet).

Speaker: Noel Tock – Moving Forward In WordPress

noel-tockWe’re excited to welcome Noel Tock as one of our WordCamp Sydney 2016 speakers.

Noel is a Swiss digital nomad that loves creating products online.

His typical day to day consists of WordPress, Front-End Design and Product Management.

Above all, he’s also one of the three partners at Human Made, a WordPress.com VIP Partner where he oversees products like Happytables, Nomadbase and startup partnerships such as United Influencers.

He may also have been a little bit involved in organising previous WordCamp Europe conferences 😛

In his talk, Noel will discuss the path to success for anyone interested in working with WordPress, remote working or generally being part of this movement.

You can follow Noel on Twitter.