Speaker: Tanja Turner – From Wix to WordPress: A Simple Case Study

tanja turnerGive it up for Tanja Turner joining us as a speaker at WordCamp Sydney 2016.

Tanja is a Digital Consultant and Podcaster who supports individuals and small businesses in using Technology.

Her passion is empowering women in small business by teaching and training in Podcasting, WordPress, producing digital products and building online courses.

She manages the front end of WordPress builds and works between her clients and her developers, ensuring the whole process of building a WordPress website runs smoothly for both parties.

She has won numerous awards for her work in technology and education, and held the position of chair of the Girls in IT committee, helping raise awareness in IT career paths for girls finishing high school.

She’s based in Brisbane, Australia, where she received her original qualifications of formal education and holds a Diploma of Teaching, Bachelor of Education, and Master of Education in Information Technology.

She is also a Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming which she uses to help clients overcome the fear of using new technologies.

Tanja will be presenting a case study on moving a website from WIX to WordPress and all the wonderful tips and tricks you will need to consider if you find yourself in a similar position.

You can follow Tanja on Twitter.

Speaker: Kris Howard – My Website is Old Enough to Vote – The Challenges of Maintaining a 20-year-old Website

kris-howardWe welcome Kris into the midst of our WordCamp Sydney 2016 speakers.

Kris is a veteran IT business analyst and software engineer who cut her teeth during the first dot-com boom.

She heads up engineering delivery at Canva and has worked for NineMSN, the Commonwealth Bank as well as in a range of startups.

When she’s not messing around with WordPress, she’s probably knitting or giving a tech talk.

Kris maintained a legacy site since 1996 and embarked on a 6-month project to move it over to WordPress.

Hear her talk about the migration process, the challenges she faced and of course some of the things she wished she’d known about beforehand but had to learn the hard way.

You can follow Kris on Twitter.