Speaker: Scott Huntley – Three Incredibly Nerdy But Ultimately Pointless Topics

scottMeet Scott Huntley – another veteran conference speaker and long standing member of the Sydney WordPress community.

Scott is a Consultant/Trainer for Pukunui Technology and a part-time IT instructor at SWSI TAFE.  He also occasionally runs WordPress classes at his local community college.

Scott has two great open source loves: WordPress and the learning management system Moodle.

He is passionate about approaching eLearning in imaginative and innovative ways, and has been dabbling in using the Internet of Things (IoT) to that end.

Scott hails from the Great White North, which would explain the accent, eh.

We couldn’t resist letting Scott loose to speak at WordCamp Sydney 2016 on his imaginative session entitled “Three Incredibly Nerdy But Ultimately Pointless Topics”.

It may contain a reference to a rodent, perhaps a story about a sofa and some cushions and just maybe some tiny tiny nerdasticly cool things.

Who can resist that, eh?

You can follow Scott on Twitter.