Speaker: Emir Brkic – WordPress… Not just a blogging CMS

emir brkicJoining our WordCamp Sydney speaker line-up is Emir Brkic.

Emir was first exposed to the web development industry at the ripe young age of 9 years old with Microsoft front-page.

He quickly picked up how to edit HTML code by teaching himself how to edit the existing codes of websites.

His passion with web transitioned into him launching his own web development agency where he is experimenting with a broad range of technologies including Joomla and Drupal.

His business has now transformed from building simple wordpress websites for mum and dad businesses, to building world-class wordpress websites for clients such as H2coco, Zambrero and Rawson Homes.

Emir will be talking about how they use WordPress to deliver different types of content crushing the myth that WordPress is just a blogging platform.

You can follow Emir on Twitter.